Gradle DSL method not found: ‘runProguard’ error after updating Android Studio

Android Studio 1.0 was released this past week, more than a year and half since the first preview version was made available to developers. Among other changes, the 1.0 release includes an updated version of the Android Gradle plugin, which includes changes incompatible with prior versions. When attempting to build an existing Android Studio project […]

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Build-Measure-Learn…and quite possibly Pivot?

We have been captivated lately by The Lean Startup movement and the mainstream traction it is gaining, particularly in organizations you would not consider to be a startup, such as General Electric. It doesn’t take long, however, to appreciate that these well established corporations experience many of the same pressures and challenges startups do when […]

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Troubleshooting Android Application Compatibility

The diversity of Android devices can make ensuring compatibility a challenge when developing mobile applications. Google Play applies filters so that users can only install those applications that are compatible with their devices. An incompatible feature can limit the users you reach with an Android application. The Google Play Developers Console provides a handy feature to examine what devices […]

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Analysis-Paralysis: When Strategy Becomes Crippling

We have an extensive amount of experience developing information technology strategies for organizations that reaches back long before our exploits into the mobile application development space. Strategies of all size and scale: everything from broad organizational strategies to lower level program-specific strategies and now to mobile application development strategies (helping organizations determine what mobile Apps […]

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Responsive Design Challenge: Content Prioritization

Determining what content is most important and how to arrange it to reflect priority is a challenge in web design for any device, but becomes even more difficult when considering a responsive web design. A site designed with Responsive Web Design techniques dynamically changes layout depending on the screen size and orientation of the device […]

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Successful partnerships…and when they are not

When striking out on your own to establish a name for yourself, should you resist or embrace partnering with other organizations to deliver your service? The fear being that you might dilute your presence (your name) in the marketplace. There’s definite pros and cons to either answer but on the balance, and based upon our […]

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Responsive web and IE 7 – can we just get along?

When it comes to responsive web design, IE 7 is pretty far from people’s minds these days. With global usage of IE 7 having dropped to under 1%, more and more sites and web frameworks are dropping support for this 7-year-old browser. But who makes up that 1% you ask? In our experience: paying customers. […]

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A Place for Traditional Project Planning?

In this age of agility and ‘getting things done’ over ‘talking about getting things done’, it’s often asked if there is still a place for traditional planning, particularly at the outset of a project or consulting engagement. For us, the answer is yes. We find it particularly useful to commission each project or consulting engagement […]

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A-B testing – it’s about what we know

In his post about keeping Apps relevant and prevalent, Rick wrote about the importance of ensuring Apps are functionally relevant to those using them, that they are fit for purpose and contain features that help, not hinder or get in the way. App analytics provide insight to what features are being used, by which users, for how long, etc. But […]

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