Rick is Managing Director of Arter Kirkwood & Associates, a developer of custom mobile apps for business. His areas of expertise include strategy, project and program management and all things lean and agile. He is a Scrum Master and is certified in User Experience (UX) by the Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g).

Maintaining a focus on the look and feel of content

The creation, publishing and ongoing governance of content is an extremely important component of user experience (UX) design. Not only from an editorial standpoint but also from a visual and interaction design standpoint. Often, editorial dominates the governance agenda once content has been created and published. The governance of the look and feel of that […]

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Sprint Retrospectives: making them impactful and meaningful

I’m stating the obvious when I say the first step to making Sprint Retrospectives impactful and meaningful is holding them in the first place. Many projects go straight from Sprint Review to Sprint Planning for the next Sprint (undertaking release activities in between, aside). Sprint Retrospectives seem to be ‘one of those things’ often forgotten […]

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Never too late for user research and usability testing

We’ve heard countless times from those in the user experience (UX) community dreading that call from nervous managers seeking assurance that the App they have laboured over and is near ready for release will in fact be useful and useable. Understandably, by then it’s generally considered to be too late. UX considerations should play a […]

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Build-Measure-Learn…and quite possibly Pivot?

We have been captivated lately by The Lean Startup movement and the mainstream traction it is gaining, particularly in organizations you would not consider to be a startup, such as General Electric. It doesn’t take long, however, to appreciate that these well established corporations experience many of the same pressures and challenges startups do when […]

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Analysis-Paralysis: When Strategy Becomes Crippling

We have an extensive amount of experience developing information technology strategies for organizations that reaches back long before our exploits into the mobile application development space. Strategies of all size and scale: everything from broad organizational strategies to lower level program-specific strategies and now to mobile application development strategies (helping organizations determine what mobile Apps […]

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Successful partnerships…and when they are not

When striking out on your own to establish a name for yourself, should you resist or embrace partnering with other organizations to deliver your service? The fear being that you might dilute your presence (your name) in the marketplace. There’s definite pros and cons to either answer but on the balance, and based upon our […]

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A Place for Traditional Project Planning?

In this age of agility and ‘getting things done’ over ‘talking about getting things done’, it’s often asked if there is still a place for traditional planning, particularly at the outset of a project or consulting engagement. For us, the answer is yes. We find it particularly useful to commission each project or consulting engagement […]

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Can you still be agile when your customers cannot?

The short answer is “yes”. Definitely, yes!! We follow an agile approach to mobile software development (Scrum, in particular). Occasionally, we find ourselves in situations where our customers are not able to be agile. The reasons vary but more often than not relate to established internal processes that must be followed, whether that’s willingly or […]

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